Thursday, August 5, 2010

Snap Sana Sini

ini kami The Qr3axXx... we always take a picture SNAP! SNAP!
and GAP!GAP!................cweat gilbet.............. F.Y.I...............diz place is s0 have many HISTORY...

Awes0me tyme

we're play....hide n seek... it s0 fun n awes0me tyme at Makhamah lama....kuching, Sarawak...

Waiting For Sumone

waiting 4 s0me0ne..........
 ahh??????? syaza  n fiera??

Emo Occay!!

2day...we're s0......................... em0ti0nal... or m0ody...coz......there's smthg happend between us... actually...we're s0 hungry...arrrr!!!!!

Where R We??

we lost...n try 2 get h0me...heeheheehe... actually where we're???  d0 u guys kn0w where we're?

Coming Home

hye,......the c0ming h0me..2nyte...hahah..........wat the qr3axXx..them all...

@ School

at sch00l...tyme PJK hehehe...