Friday, August 6, 2010

L0V3 butt0n s0 much!!!

diz is our calculator... ne kta gam supaya nmpk lebih g0rjez...dan kreatif... tak tau nak buat pa tyme exam.. s0...we're juz d0 stupid things....n make the things ty-0ver!!!

Qr3axXx biznezz butt0n

Qr3axXx juga telah menjalankan bizzzznes... ya itu butt0n bizznezzzzzz
hye........... kmi the Qr3axXx..........

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Snap Sana Sini

ini kami The Qr3axXx... we always take a picture SNAP! SNAP!
and GAP!GAP!................cweat gilbet.............. F.Y.I...............diz place is s0 have many HISTORY...

Awes0me tyme

we're play....hide n seek... it s0 fun n awes0me tyme at Makhamah lama....kuching, Sarawak...

Waiting For Sumone

waiting 4 s0me0ne..........
 ahh??????? syaza  n fiera??

Emo Occay!!

2day...we're s0......................... em0ti0nal... or m0ody...coz......there's smthg happend between us... actually...we're s0 hungry...arrrr!!!!!

Where R We??

we lost...n try 2 get h0me...heeheheehe... actually where we're???  d0 u guys kn0w where we're?

Coming Home

hye,......the c0ming h0me..2nyte...hahah..........wat the qr3axXx..them all...

@ School

at sch00l...tyme PJK hehehe...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the QR3AxXx..
diz is 0ur old skuwl style picture....hahahaa.. ne..kte gmbr dkat...bawah jambatan je.... 0k tak... hari tu memang bad day...4 all us !!!! arrrh....!!!
diz is our diary..... Qr3axXx diary.... there's ve everthing
st0ry b0ut there...n 0ur mission...hehheh
diz tyme we have fun..... it s0......................AWES0Me.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys.... memang be tyme nie..... kami pulang shcool...truz lepak dkat rumah emma..n buy s0mething 2 eat...n dpt juga b'gmbr kat jungle.. it's mean...we like 2 snap! snap!
kami kwn yg setia 
dan itulah kami THE QR3AxXx....... kami ska buat kerja yang gempak ....walaupun kami byk buat hal... but in study...we f0cus...k guy.... this is us....